Words of Wisdom

His Holiness Swami Tapovanam All will admit that joy is to be found in peace and not in the agitations of the mind. But some look upon that goal of human life as the cessation of all sorrow, some take it as the realization of Self through the distinction between the real and the unreal, some others consider it as sheer non-existence (shunya), and yet others conceive of it as the height of happiness reached in the enjoyment of worldly pleasures. The unique state of serene peace can be attained only in a non-dual state. So long as man recognizes an entity outside himself—in other words, so long as a world and a God exist apart from him, he cannot have complete detachment or absolute peace. Nothingness (shunya), because it is nothing, cannot be Peace, for the existent and the non-existent cannot be placed on the same footing.By mistake, people find in comparative peace unlimited peace and liberation, fulfillment of life’s purpose. Absolute peace can exist in nothing except...