How to Get Rid of Kapha Dosha?

In the body these Kapha qualities project as grosser energy in the form of the body’s framework and substance as opposed to Vata and Pitta which are more subtle energies and which govern motion and transformations respectively. Kapha makes up a large proportion of the body’s fat, muscle, tendon, skin, etc. and is responsible for the body’s stability, immunity, strength and firmness. It is sometimes called the “water humour”and is also the main component of bodily fluids such as plasma, saliva and intracellular fluids which give the body fluidity and lubrication between joints and also between organs thus ensuring their smoother interactions. Kapha also gives smoothness and natural oiliness to skin, lustre to hair and moistness to eyes. Kapha-predominant types tend to have a large physical frame. They are slow but have a great capacity for hard, sustained work; and smoothness in their relationships makes them the carers and peace-makers of their societies. Bearing in m...