Hanuman: Not an Idol - an Ideal

Worshipping God and seeking His grace seems to be a mere blind belief meant only for escapists and failures. However, true worship is not a mere ritual, but an attunement with the ideal, that one invokes through one‘s thoughts, words and deeds. Our Hindu culture has provided for us great ideals in the forms of idols and heroes we look up to invoke their qualities and live like them. Thus, not only can we make our own lives successful and happy but, by spreading peace, harmony and joy around ourselves, we can transmit them to others. There is one personality that shines out as an ideal for all dynamic youngsters and that is Shri Hanuman. Each one of us is today what our mind is and this mind of ours has been compared to a monkey. Unlike a self-disciplined monkey like Hanumanji, we humans have a mind like a monkey, unsteady and restless, very often not capable of much. At the same time, a creator of innumerable mischief, creating sorrows for ourselves and havoc in the world...