Spiritual Principles for a Corporate World

A company is nothing but a collection of processes and people. Companies go to great lengths and spend countless hours and funds to improve their processes, making systems mare efficient, cutting costs and maximising its margins. But ask any successful businessman and he will tell you that ultimately, a company succeeds and fails because of its people. Efficient processes certainly help, but a worker who feels fulfilled in his job and works with inspiration is a company's most valuable asset. Vedanta ultimately provides us with knowledge of who we are. But it also tells us who we are not. We are not limited BMIs (Body, Mind, Intellect) and in explaining so, Vedanta provides us with a perfect understanding of these equipments, how they work and what their limitations are. Vedanta declares that happiness does not lie in the fulfillment of desires. Rather, we feel happy when we experience our Higher Self. Satisfying desires creates a temporary tranquillity of...