Tips For Joyful Parenting by Swami Tejomayananda

At some point in our lives, most of us have been or will be parents. This is the most important job we will have and often we spend the least time preparing for it. Being a parent is not always easy. Raising a child, and guiding them on their life path to empower them to fulfill their own potential is a subtle art, there can be many trials along the way. However, the rewards of successful parenting are immeasurable, both to you and society. Over the years, many have approached Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda for advice on parenting. Here are some of his tips: Set an example If we want our children to be nice, intelligent, well behaved, cultured and obedient, we will have to start by developing the same qualities in ourselves. Often parents who want their children to be cultured send them to our Bal Vihar cultural classes for children. The parents say, “You go to BV - we will watch TV!” So they want culture only for their children, and not for themselves. The...