Many Problems One Solution - Swami Tejomayananda

This title may kindle your curiosity, and some of you may wonder how there can be a single solution to the variety of problems in the world. Let me warn you at the outset that I do not possess any magic potion or instant cure. I can only give you something to work on, the seeds of a solution. Once a hungry person went to a shop to buy apples. Instead of apples, he was given the seeds that he could plant, that would grow into trees yielding apples in abundance. In the same way, I shall give you the seeds of thought that can remove all your problems if only you will work on it. The Nature of Problems: Let us first focus on problems. If we analyze and observe, we will find that the situations in life are what become problems. If you are comfortably sitting in your own house and begin to feel hungry, the hunger does not pose a problem. There is food in the kitchen; if not, you just go to a restaurant. But if you are in a remote place and food is not available, o...